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Monday, May 4, 2020

Tushy Inc part 6

Here at tushy inc, we take pride in pandering to a very specific crowd. We don't have many rules, but the ones we do have are taken very seriously and are adressed in every single contract we make. Besides the typical rules like no abusing the tushy girls, or that xchange users must have sex, we have a strict rule that vaginal sex is prohibited. Xchange users come to us for not only a specific experience, but they also avoid getting pregnant. These men dont want to become women permanently and have a child. For that reason we have a very specific clause in our contracts that state people who break this rule are subject to a very specific punishment. Before you here is evidence of one such customer named steven. He's a wealthy man who has shown up here multiple times. However, this time he decided to fuck one of our tushy girls in her pussy. We are now going to sent security to apprehend him and subject him to a punishment I doubt he'll be prepared for

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