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Monday, May 4, 2020

Tushy Inc part 7

At tushy inc., we also have the ability to give our customers a more extreme experience......actually quite literally in more than one way with xchange extreme. This version of the pill gives our customers some very specific demands as far as body type when it gives them a sexy body with a huge pair of boobs and a big booty. It also has the side effect of draining our tushy girls' intelligence while they are on the pill. Technically the xchange company wants it to be called "xchange bimbo" but we feel that name has negative connotations and that when you add extreme to anything, it'll sell better.

While spending time as women, as said before, the tushy girls have diminished intelligence though they remember the increased pleasure they felt in this state when they revert back to men. Take Thomas here, he is usually a brilliant chemist who wanted to get away from the pressures of high intelligence for little bit while having a great experience. His memories when he goes back will actually help him enjoy his life even more. So you can say we at tushy inc help people in multiple ways

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